
1,7 milion tourists in Wieliczka


Domestic tourists constituted almost half of all visitors (49%). Foreigners (41%) included mostly guests from Great Britain, Italy, Germany, Spain, France, USA, Norway, Sweden, Czech Republic and Belgium. Wieliczka was also visited by tourists from countries as faraway as Surinam, Bahrain, Brunei or Lesotho. The main tourist route was the most popular option, while the children-friendly Saltland and the Pilgrims Route were picked most frequently among its themed counterparts.

Finally, many routes and chambers of the “Wieliczka” Salt Mine underwent renovation last year –electric wiring and tunnels were modernized plus works were conducted to protect the mine from floodings. Two-year long renovation of the Wessel chamber doubled its capacity. In the next decade, besides the reconstruction of a historical shaft top, emphasis will be placed on the construction of a multi-level parking lot and a Tourist Centre.

The “Wieliczka” Salt Mine is a winner of the competition for the Best Tourist Product – a Certificate of the Polish Tourist Organisation.


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