
The Council

The competence of the Council of the Polish Tourism Organisation (Polska Organizacja Turystyczna) includes in particular:  

1) acceptance of annual financial plans proposed by the President of the Polish Tourism Organisation as well as their presentation to an appropriate minister,

2) acceptance of annual and multiannual programmes of the Polish Tourism Organisation,

3) confirmation of annual reports on Polish Tourism Organisation’s activity,

4) approval of annual financial reports of the Polish Tourism Organisation,

5) issuing opinions about candidates to the office of President and vice-presidents of the Polish Tourism Organisation,

6) determining the principles of enumerating the employees of the Polish Tourism Organisation and qualification requirements pertaining to those employees.

  1. The Council of the Polish Tourism Organisation is empowered to present opinions or file motions regarding all issues concerning the activity of the Polish Tourism Organisation.

Art. 7.1. The Council of the Polish Tourism Organisation is composed of 12-18 members appointed by the appropriate minister from among candidates presented by:

1) government administration,

2) units or national representations of territorial self-government,

3) economic self-governments, professional associations, and associations acting within the domain of tourism as well as carriers.

Legal entities mentioned in points 1-3 are proportionately represented in the Council of the Polish Tourism Organisation.  

  1. The term-in-office of the Council of the Polish Tourism Organisation is three years.
  2. The Council appoints from among its members and recalls the President and Vice-President of the Council of the Polish Tourism Organisation.
  3. In instances when an equal number of votes have been won in the Council of the Polish Tourism Organisation the decisive vote belongs to its President.
  4. Membership in the Council of the Polish Tourism Organisation can terminate for the following reasons:

1) dismissal as a result of a well-grounded motion filed by the legal entity proposing the candidature,

2) written resignation,

3) restriction or loss of the capacity to perform legal acts,

4) demise.

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