
Understanding the value of the meetings industry - Poland Meetings Impact

In other words, the substantive scope encompassed economic aspects connected with the industry’s impact on the national economy in reference to essential indicators, i.e. value added, GDP and employment. The project’s three-stage analysis examined three groups of stakeholders: participants, organisers of meetings and events and venue administrators. The goal was achieved thanks to the collected data and an econometric model based on the data of the Central Statistical Office of Poland, built specifically to determine the meetings industry’s impact on national economy.


“The research estimated the meetings industry’s contribution to GDP at the level of 1%. In 2015 meetings and events generated approx. 26 billion PLN for Poland’s economy and approx. 12 billion PLN of gross value added. More than 12 million domestic and international participants attended the meetings and events, which on average lasted two days. The meetings industry’s employment contribution amounted to 171,000”, sums up Dr Krzysztof Celuch, Vice-Rector of the Warsaw School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Manager of Poland Convention Bureau POT and head of the project


The Wpływ ekonomiczny przemysłu spotkań na gospodarkę Polski – Poland Meetings Impact 2015 report was compiled by a team of researchers and industry experts working under the auspices of Meeting Professionals International Poland Chapter and Poland Convention Bureau POT, in cooperation with regional convention bureaux from Poland, venues hosting meetings and events, as well as meeting organisers. It is Poland’s very first publication of this kind and eighth in the world.


“The report covered pioneering research on the meetings industry’s impact on the economies of select countries, presented and sorted out terminology issues, as well as profiled Poland’s meetings sector. I am very glad that cooperation with MPI Foundation made all of this possible”, comments Agnieszka Faracik-Leśniak, President of MPI Poland Chapter. 


Project organisers: Meeting Professionals International Poland Chapter, Poland Convention Bureau Polska Organizacja Turystyczna, MPI Foundation 


Project’s technological partner: Z-factor 


Report’s publication partner: Lubelskie Centrum Konferencyjne (Lublin Conference Centre)



Meeting Professionals International (MPI) is the largest meeting and event industry association worldwide, which strongly believes in the pivotal role played by corporate and people-to-people contacts in the process of achieving organisation goals.



Poland Convention Bureau of Polska Organizacja Turystyczna (PCB POT) since 2002 operates within the structures of Polska Organizacja Turystyczna (Polish Tourist Organisation) as a unit responsible for promoting Poland as an attractive place for business meetings and events. We are the main contact point for everyone looking for information about business partners and conference venues and planning to hold their association congress or corporate event in Poland. It is our priority goal to build Poland’s image as a recommended destination for hosting all types of business events.



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