
The meeting of Congress Ambassadors in Wrocław

The meeting began Magdalena Piasecka (President Convention Bureau - Wroclaw), who assessed the state of the industry meeting in Wroclaw in the context of new objects and events. This topic developed Łukasz Czajkowski (Director of Business Support Centre, Wroclaw Agglomeration Development Agency) focusing on economic development of Wroclaw and its impact on industry meetings. About winning sponsors and patrons during congresses organizing said Anna Jędrocha (President of the Association Conferences and Congresses in Poland). There was also a presentation about projects of Academy Europea and Wrocław Academic Hub. Their role in popularizing science and organizing thematic events presented Prof. Tadeusz Luty (Substantive Director of the Academia Europaea Wroclaw Knowledge Hub).

The meeting was attended by 30 people who represented the world of science, local government and representatives of local business. The meeting ended with a Christmas lunch.

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