
SITE Poland fam trip in Świętokrzyskie Region

The Świętokrzyskie Region Enchants fam trip site poland incentive travel

The four-day agenda was very packed. The trip was carried out as part of a joint project of PTO Poland Convention Bureau, SITE Poland, the Regional Tourist Organisation of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, Świętokrzyskie Convention Bureau and the Local Tourism and Hotel Organisation of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Read on for details of the event.

Day one in Sandomierz

The entire undertaking started at the Basztowy Hotel. Next, the participants visited the picturesque Sandomierz – a Royal City, beginning with a new interactive exhibition called Czary Napary (“the magic of infusions”), named after Marcin of Urzędów, a local botanist from the 16th century. The aromatic adventure was followed by a visit to the studio of the master jeweller Cezary Łutowicz, who specialises in striped flint. He presented his extraordinary works, explaining about the unique nature of this precious stone.

Next came a drive to Winnica Świętego Jakuba (St. James Vineyard), where a tasting of fine local wines took place. Yes, the region has vineyards, too! A delicious meal at Club N51 - Jadwiga Restaurant was not only a pleasure for the senses but also a meeting in a great atmosphere. During the cruise on the Vistula, representatives of the MICE industry could hear interesting tales about the history of the river, Slavic traditions, legends and magic of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains.

vineyards in swietokrzyskie Poland incentive travel

Those craving that kick of adrenaline surely loved the extreme off-road crossing with Sandomierz Off Road 4x4 Group. To complement this unforgettable experience, participants ascended to the viewpoint located in the picturesque Pieprzowe Mountains and attended yet another Sandomierz vineyard. At the latter, called Winnica Nadwiślańska, they enjoyed the company of Słowiańskie Bajduły, a group of folk enthusiasts.

incentive travel Sandomierz  a Royal City in Swietokrzyskie

"I see a lot of positive energy, high motivation of the industry, great service – it was a great idea to come here with the SITE Poland group. The Świętokrzyskie region is full of surprises. There is nature, interesting stories, attractions, sights, professionals and enthusiasts of the region, delicious cuisine: all this gives many opportunities to create unique incentive travel programmes,” said Aneta Książek, Manager of the Poland Convention Bureau.

Sandomierz Off Road 4x4 Group

Day two

The next day began with creative jewellery workshops, during which everyone could make jewellery using the stone of optimism, that is, striped flint. The next place on the itinerary through the Świętokrzyskie region was the Popiel Palace in Kurozwęki. Here, the participants had the opportunity to see a herd of American bison and taste tank beer in the Popiel Brewery.

The walk around the picturesque city of Kielce began in the Kadzielnia Reserve, followed by the Castle Hill, to finally reach the city square. Dinner at the Grand Hotel Kielce was a perfect culmination of a day full of attractions.

Popiel Palace in Kurozwęki

"Thanks to events such as this fam trip we want to show the authenticity of the Świętokrzyskie region. We are going to specialise in team-building and incentive events, as we have favourable conditions for those in terms of accommodation and tourist offer. What we want to show is the local aspect. We are talking about the apple trail, the wine trail or places such as Legend Park, where we present our cultural, intangible heritage, in this case our legends,” said Małgorzata Wilk-Grzywna, Regional Director of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship Tourism Organisation. “The Świętokrzyskie Convention Bureau was established in May this year. Analysing the Polish market and regional conditions, we came to the conclusion that the best formula would be to create a convention bureau within the Regional Tourism Organisation of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. The Świętokrzyskie Convention Bureau operates with strong support of the hotel industry – the Local Tourism Organisation and the Świętokrzyskie Mountains Hotel Industry,” added Małgorzata Wilk-Grzywna.

Day three

The following day brought more attractions, such as visiting the Raj Cave (considered one of the most beautiful karst caves in Poland) and workshops creating natural cosmetics. Another important point was also a visit to the Targi Kielce Conference Centre, where the group became familiar with the offer of organising conferences and events.


A visit to the Kielce Region Countryside Museum was an obligatory point, followed by a culinary feast in the Kuźnia Smaków Inn, where delicious local specialties were waiting for the participants. The group also visited one of the region’s largest hotels, the Binkowski Resort Kielce, and in the evening enjoyed a dinner at the Odyssey Club Hotel Wellness & SPA, which offers a wonderful view of the city of Kielce.

Binkowski Resort Kielce

Marcin Różycki Vice President of Polish Tourism Organisation

“Świętokrzyskie has a great potential for team-building and corporatel events, mainly for companies from Poland, but in the near future we also count on groups from abroad,” said Katarzyna Batko, project manager of the Świętokrzyskie Convention Bureau. “We are optimistic and we realise that it is a big challenge to integrate our MICE industry and work together to promote the Swietokrzyskie region, and on the other hand to be active and noticeable on the competitive market in Poland and abroad.”

fam trip SITE Poland Swietokrzyskie Poland Convention Bureau

Day four

The last day of the intensive fam trip began at the Geonatura Kielce Geoeducation Centre, where the participants learned about the geological history of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Next, the group spent time at the “Łysa Góra” Świętokrzyskie Mountains Heritage Park (also known as Park Legend - “Park of Legends”), where participants could take part in a virtual flight on a broom and weave Midsummer wreaths, expressing the joy of the upcoming summer.

The study visit in the Świętokrzyskie region ended with a lunch at a restaurant called Izba Dobrego Smaku in Huta Szklana at the foot of the mount Święty Krzyż.

corporate events in Swietokrzyskie Poland

The summary

This exciting, flavourful and active trip was unforgettable. We would like to thank all the participants for their great company and the Regional Tourism Organisation of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, the Local Tourism Organisation and the Hotel Industry of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains as well as SITE Poland for organising this fam trip together.

“The Świętokrzyskie Convention Bureau was established in 2023. This is a very important initiative, which I hope will support the local industry and help to place the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship on the market of meetings and events. The region has many attractive things to offer meeting planners and incentive travel organisers. Świętokrzyskie can count on the Poland Convention Bureau at the Polish Tourism Organisation to support its promotional activities,” added Aneta Książek.

Destination Poland by SITE Poland

Joanna Montenarh, Vice-President of SITE Poland and Project Manager of Destination Poland, said: “Świętokrzyskie is a region with great potential for the MICE industry, which can be used to create unique incentive programmes for customers. We would like to thank all the organisers and participants of the fam trip for unforgettable experiences and positive energy.”

destination poland sitepoland famtrip swietokrzyskie

It is worth adding that SITE Poland emphasises the importance of sustainable development and social responsibility. As part of CSR activities, the participants of the Świętokrzyskie trip planted a riparian forest on the Koprzywianka River.

List of visited places

Below you will find a list of all hotels, restaurants, unique venues, tourist attractions and other places (with links) visited by the participants of the “Świętokrzyskie czaruje” Destination Poland fam trip by SITE Poland:

For more information on the region please visit the Świętokrzyskie Travel website.

Photo credits: Magda Mazgaj, Michal Kalarus

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