
New projects focus on the safe events concept

Efforts continue to define guidelines on operating in the new reality. June saw successive accommodation establishments becoming a part of Polish Tourism Organisation’s “Sanitized Venue” programme, Łódź joining Warsaw as a City of Save Events, and the launch of the “Poznań back in the game” campaign.


On 2 June Polish Tourism Organisation inaugurated the Sanitized Venue programme inspired by an earlier research showing that as many as 82% of tourists today pay attention to increased hygiene standards when travelling. Venues that stand out in this field can gain a competitive advantage both in the domestic market and abroad.

Self-certification is free of charge and voluntary with the programme continuously open to new candidates. The certificate is available for all legal accommodation establishments that accept regulations and declare that they fulfil the conditions. Consequently, certified objects will be able to apply the “Sanitized venue” graphic symbol in their marketing operations. The list of self-certified venues will be systematically updated at

The Global Exhibition Day on 3 June marked Poznań hosting the first edition of Poznań Congress Center’s online conference dedicated to the joint efforts of the city of Poznań and Grupa MTP in the field of designing new, safe regulations of staging meetings and conferences both in the MTP Poznań Expo fairgrounds and across the city. Discussion focused on the brand-new reality that conference planners would be required to work in once the coronavirus pandemic ends. Conference participants brought up, i.a. staging live and online events, the challenges they are now facing (including safety procedures), and the evolution of the industry.

The conference was held in two sections: a debate with guests gathered in the PCC studio (Elżbieta Roeske, Vice-President of the Management Board with Grupa MTP, Jan Mazurczak, CEO with Poznań Tourism Organisation) and an online debate attended by Aneta Książek (Head of Poland Convention Bureau of Polish Tourism Organisation), M.D., Ph.D. Jarosław Szydłowski (Head of Paediatric Otolaryngology Clinic, Karol Jonscher Clinical Hospital in Poznań - scientific personnel), Weronika Symbora-Bogacka (Board Member with SympoMed sp. z o.o. sp.k. – conference organiser) and Marek Szpendowski (owner of the Viva Music agency – concert organiser).

A meeting of the Council for Safe Events was held in Łódź on 4 June at the initiative of the Events Industry Association (Stowarzyszenie Branży Eventowej). Representatives of municipal authorities, Łódź Tourism Organisation and local industry discussed the guidelines for planning safe events in their city and the whole region.

Founded in Warsaw on 19 May by Events Industry Association and the city of Warsaw, the Council for Safe Events compiled a document that sets out the development of optimal procedures for venues, organisers and participants of exhibitions and business events with particular emphasis on protecting the health and life of production team and attendants and for gradual and controlled reopening of the sector of business meetings, exhibitions and marketing and arts and culture events.

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